Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Water is the substance of most stunning in this Jagat raya. Water is the only substance on earth that can be found in the natural form of the three - solid, liquid, and gas. Water is something that we can make a living on the planet. Water is the basis of all life. Water use photosynthesis to form energy. The process metabolik body also depends on the water. We can live many weeks without food, but if only a few days without water.

We swim in the water, surfing on the water, berendam in water, cooking with water. Water form of energy to run the engine. We breathe air breathing. Water can destroy rocks. Power and water utility is truly incredible!

If so, why we often do not drink enough water?

In fact, many people who do not drink enough water. We may be drinking enough liquids, but not enough water. But there are fundamental differences between the liquid and water (water in this case is a mineral water).

Before looking for differences in the liquid and water, first we need to know why we need to drink enough water.

We know that our body consists mainly of water (about 60-70%). Even the brain that we will own 85% of the water! We need a sufficient supply of water needs for blood plasma, to maintain blood pressure, and maintain the functional body of work.

Unfortunately, the water disappeared so easily from our bodies. Maybe in time we are not a lot of exercise and no sweat. But we still lose water when we breathe. At a high temperature environment, or when we are sick, or when we exercise, we could lose a large amount of water rapidly.

Dehydration, but only occur if our bodies are very short of water, is not it?

Wrong! Dehydration have many stages. If we feel thirsty, we are already experiencing dehydration. Most of the initial phase of dehydration does not cause symptoms at all, or we can not detect early signs of it. We can feel thirsty during the long hours without realize it, especially if our minds are busy by other things.

So, we can not experience mild dehydration for many years without a bad effect on the incidence of such diseases? No. Only because we live, does not mean we live well. Chronicles dehydration can lead to:
- Dry skin and wrinkles
- Hair dry and easily broken
- High blood pressure
- Obesity
- Fatigue and feeling sleepy
- Muscle cramps
- Disrupt the sleep pattern
- Local intestinal disturbances such as gastritis and refluks
- Memperparah depression
- Arthritis
- Chronic headaches

Any drink that is not water (mineral), juice, or milk is "toxic"

Yes, this means that if a minumam contain cafein, alkohil, or additional sugar, is actually toxic. Poison words in the English language is a "Potion", which is derived from the Latin "potare", which means the drink. In the days of old, the word "potionis" means beverages. Conversely, the Latin of mineral water is "aqua". So, any liquids or drinks that are not water, juice, or milk is "toxic".

During this time, the word "Potion" means beverages that have a certain effect on the body. Some "Potion" are curative (for drugs), while the other is death. That is why the word "poison" is very closely related to the words "Potion". Both words come from a similar origin.

Therefore, cafein is a drug. Cafein often used to overcome the headache and fatigue, and improve working certain medicines. Sometimes people mencampurkannya to aspirin. Of course, there is no doctor who will recommend to the dose of 8-10 drugs per day. But the fact is, we often consume cafein, even to the direction of dependency. Two to three cup of coffee in the morning, a cup of tea in the afternoon, and a number of carbonic fluids in the afternoon, and a cup of coffee at dinner - no wonder we often have difficulty sleeping!

Cafein is one of the many "poison" often we drink, including soda, tea and milk chocolate made with sugar, and so forth. We do not need to avoid it 100%, we only need to minimize it, a lot of the mineral water.

Benefits of Mineral Water

There are many benefits of mineral water, some already mentioned in the beginning of the article. Another benefit of water is as follows:
1. Keeping the moisture in the body's organs and skin (Pool)
2. Maintain blood volume and thickness and lymph
3. Set the temperature of the body
4. Remove poison or toxin that is in the body
5. Set the structure and function of skin
6. Facilitate the digestive system
7. Slow the occurrence of cancer, kidney stones, heart disease and
8. Increasing fertility (cold water can increase the production of white blood cell in the body, and to improve the ability of someone to the virus attack)
9. Maintaining heart health
10. Thin body
11. As stroke medicine
12. Relaxation effect
13. Make the body more shape
14. Energy balance in the body
15. Increase the body's immune system
16. Increasing the oxygen content in blood
17. Improving the nutrition absorption and improve metabolism
18. Smooth circulation of blood
19. Maintain physical and mental balance
20. Increase stamina
21. Reduce stress
22. Refresh your face skin
23. Help improve the quality of sleep
24. Improve the quality of food and drink
25. Changing water and food become more pro-energy

There are 25 benefits, many! Of course, in addition to the benefits of water-25, and many other benefits of water that can be.

So, do you still hesitate to drink lots of water?


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